Biking in 雅典: A guide to routes, groups and safety

bet8九州登录入口 and the city of 雅典 have worked to make cycling a viable option for off-campus students, faculty and staff who live in the city or in the surrounding towns as well as community members who want to save on transit costs. 的 雅典 Campus is also bike-friendly for those living on-campus who want to use their wheels to travel to class, 工作或餐厅. 在过去的五年里, 雅典 has been named a “Bicycle Friendly Community” by 的 League of American Bicyclists, and bet8九州登录入口 has been named a “Bicycle Friendly University” since 2017. 整体, 雅典县有近1人,000 miles of paved and gravel roads for bikers to use, and it is a welcoming community for new cyclists.

In addition to being a lower-cost and environmentally-friendly transportation option, 骑自行车有助于血液流向大脑, 可以提高记忆力. “骑自行车的影响较小, aerobic exercise and a great way of maintaining your physical and mental health. Between the mostly-flat Bikeway and all of our hills, people with a variety of fitness levels and abilities can enjoy the well-being benefits of biking,马克·弗格森说, 校园娱乐的执行董事. Going beyond the streets and bike lanes uptown and exercising in nature, such as riding on the 霍克霍克阿德纳自行车道可以减轻压力,促进情绪健康.


取决于他们的舒适程度, 技能和他们想去的地方, cyclists have several options for where they can bike.

的 霍克霍克阿德纳自行车道 is an unintimidating first ride since it is paved, 相对平坦,完全没有汽车. 的 Bikeway is 21 miles long and is also used by runners, 家庭, 溜旱冰去, 自然爱好者和遛狗者. It spans from 雅典 all the way to Nelsonville and goes past several bike repair stations, public bathrooms and water fountains as well as neighboring towns. 

If a cyclist feels comfortable enough, they can bike on the city roads. 的re are several streets with either specific bike lanes or wide shoulders on Columbus Road, 北兰开斯特街, 米尔街和里奇兰大道的部分地区. Bikers can ride on other streets too but should be extra-aware of drivers. 在人行道上骑车也是合法的, with the exception of uptown streets in the Walk Zone, but be mindful of walkers and people exiting buildings.

Adventurous OHIO students also have access to multiple mountain bike trails. Mountain bikers can access these trails from Sells Park, 斯特劳德州立公园和希望湖州立公园. A list of biking locations and resources can be found on the 雅典 County 访问ors Bureau website.



Whether you are looking for advice from more experienced bikers or want friends to go on longer rides with, there are several biking groups in the community you can join.

雅典自行车俱乐部 leads weekday evening group rides in and around 雅典 and organizes several longer bike rides throughout the year, including the Race to the Hills Mountain Bike Race, 扎勒斯基之旅和霍金之旅. 的y are also a member of the International Mountain Bicycling Association and host Sunday mountain bike rides at Lake Hope State Park.

Sports cyclists should check out Team 雅典 Cycling Club. Bikers of all ability levels are encouraged to join these challenging rides. 的 club often bikes different sections of the Rim of the World bike route and has time trials on Thursdays. During most weeks, rides leave from Peden Stadium at 5:45 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but interested students should 访问他们的谷歌组 确认是否有额外的行程.

黑钻石自行车, 西联合街上的一家当地商店, offers group rides for cyclists with different interests and ability levels. 有山地车, 这是一个与雅典自行车队会合的团体, 淑女之夜, beginning and intermediate rides on Saturday morning and a back-roads ride on Sundays. 与车间核对时间表的变化.

Finally, 雅典 Bicycle has paid, one-on-one skills coaching, ride alongs and group lessons. Students can become more confident cyclists with Bicycling 101 and Mountain Bike Skills Instruction.



“保持清醒,” said bet8九州登录入口 Police Department Community Relations Officer and biker John Stabler. “Awareness is vital for all bikers because we’re not always seen.” Cyclists should always stay as far to the right as possible when biking on a road, ride in the same direction as traffic and follow the rules drivers do for stopping, 转弯和超车. 的y should wear helmets, bring their phone and ID and consider having a repair kit.

Students should also register their bikes with the bet8九州登录入口 Police Department. All they have to do is bring their bike into the OUPD, 谁会记下它的序列号, description and the student’s contact information. This can be incredibly helpful if the bike is stolen or needs to be moved.

Officer Stabler also recommends locking your bike at an official bike stand. He estimates that 90% of thefts happen when bikes are not secured. 然而, Stabler asks that students not lock their bikes to rails because it can make ramps and pathways less accessible for those in wheelchairs or who have extra mobility needs. 如果警察看到一辆自行车被绑在栏杆上, they will first check to if it’s been registered with the department. If it has been, OUPD will call the owner to move it. 否则,他们会把锁剪掉.

Biking can be great for students’ mental and physical well-being, 雅典是骑自行车的好地方, 无论他们的经验水平如何. 探索 the variety of options available for those who want to bike as a means of transportation, leisure or social connection and always keep safety in mind.

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