
OHIO experts explain the benefits of going to school in a vibrant college town

Nestled in the foothills of Appalachia, 雅典, Ohio — the home of bet8九州登录入口 — has it all. 至少,这是MSN的说法.com, which recently named 雅典 the best college town in the state of Ohio.

Several of OHIO’s faculty experts agree that 雅典 is an ideal place to study, 生活和工作, 不仅仅是因为在大学城生活的好处, but because there are so many benefits the city provides to students unlike other campuses nearby.

一个关于为什么的一致主题 雅典是最好的大学城 周围, 根据bet8九州登录入口教师专家的说法, centers 周围 the excellent opportunities for ecotourism and actively practicing sustainability here in 雅典. 

教授,博士. 杰夫·巴克利, 环境历史地理学家, said 雅典 has a plethora of outdoor recreational and cultural opportunities available, 包括附近的几个公园,比如霍普湖州立公园, 粗呢衣服的, 韦恩国家森林, 霍金山州立公园, and the Hockhocking Adena Bikeway that allows students to visit nearby towns via bike trail.

他还评论说, 当谈到城市校园和大学城时, walkability is a major factor in both efficiency for students and to help reduce pollution from cars. 虽然城市校园很大程度上依赖公共交通, 这有助于减少碳足迹, 学生校园和雅典市住宅区步行即可到达. 

“大学 tend to be more inherently sustainable lifestyles than if we live in suburban enclaves,巴克利解释道. “学生住在宿舍里,他们走路. This is when Americans are the most sustainable, when they’re at the college level. Because of this lifestyle and being in 雅典 only continues to promote these sustainable initiatives.”

Dr. Buckley also pointed out OHIO not only has a compost facility that allows the University and community members to compost much of their food waste, but it is the largest in-vessel composting system at any college or university in the nation. A compost facility would be much more difficult to have in an urban area since there would be lack of space for it and most people don’t want to see these types of large facilities in their compact neighborhood.

“Most universities don’t have a state-of-the-art compost facility that can handle the quantity of food waste that ours handles,他补充道. 

Assistant Professor of Recreation and Sports Pedagogy Danny Twilley said ecotourism and sustainability are key components on which 雅典 thrives.,

“What 雅典 has compared to an urban campus is the access to open and natural spaces,” Twilley said. “It is rare to find a bike path right through your campus or nature preserves surrounding it where students can learn and study the environment while practicing it. Access to outdoor recreation like this is a hard thing to duplicate in other areas where it’s not right at your feet.”

He included that some may think of 雅典 as the quintessential college town, but what makes it special from other college towns is that it’s centered 周围 education and quality of life.

“雅典 was developed 周围 education being the central purpose,他补充道. “然后,如果把生活质量这一层考虑在内, allowing students the freedom to be a part of a tight-knit community and have access to all this outdoor recreation, the experience of being a student at OHIO is also about being a community member.”

Some may argue though that being in a college town doesn’t allow for as many opportunities to take part in cultural activities; however, Associate Professor of Instruction, Music Production and Recording Industry Josh Antonuccio 我不同意.

安东努乔补充说,虽然城市地区可能有更多的艺术和文化, 雅典是创造力和艺术的温床, 这在其他大学城并不常见.

“雅典 is a trifecta when it comes to the growing arts scene in the town,” he said. “总会有新一代的学生带着新想法进来, adding to the historical and Appalachian roots of the town while learning from them.”

Along with the foundation for art and creativity that has been set in 雅典, 他还补充说,与城市校园不同, students have various opportunities to immediately start their careers by having a wide range of stages they can easily perform on every night, as well as several partnerships in the area such as Stuart’s Opera House and the Nelsonville Music Festival that offer a first step for them to be a part of the scene.

“There is a connectivity here that you just can’t get in urban areas when you’re a student starting out,安托努乔说. “Any student who wants to DJ or a band who wants to play has the opportunity to headline shows at several locations 周围 town right away. The engagement and accessibility they receive here makes it easy to be successful. There have been many musicians who have gone on to sign major label deals who got their start here by playing for the community first.”

Although there are pros and cons to both being a student in a college town and on an urban campus, there is no doubt why 雅典 is ranked as the best college town in Ohio and offers several benefits for students at bet8九州登录入口.

“The 雅典 community has an intimate and friendly environment that makes our students from different countries and cultures have a sense of belonging and feel comfortable and welcome,Sandy Chen说。, 酒店与旅游副教授. “The businesses and resources available to students in this town continue to provide them with a great setting to study in, with different perspectives they can take with them after they leave this beautiful home.”

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